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What's New With GivingDNA


GivingDNA August 2024 Platform Update - New Opportunity Alerts!

August 29, 2024


We want to share several new Opportunity Alerts that have been added to GivingDNA. As we near a presidential election and the end of year giving season, these opportunities will help you engage with your donors and achieve fundraising success!

As we approach the Giving Season, it's important to know how your donors prefer and are likely to give. With that in mind, the GivingDNA team has now identified, which of your constituents are most likely to give through Donor Advised Funds or stock. With an average DAF gift of $5,000 this could make a big difference in how you end the year if you target these donors about your organizations ability to accept DAFs.

Additionally, as we near a presidential election, it may be important for you to recognize the political party of your donors, so you can nuance messages that are involved with political leanings. GivingDNA has always included political party affiliations, and it's now easier than ever to identify and export these individuals right from your homepage.

If you're interested in learning more, feel free to reach out to your GivingDNA contact or email us at support@givingdna.com

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