GivingDNA Product Updates

GivingDNA October 2024 Platform Update - Filter by Number of Gifts

Written by GivingDNA | Oct 1, 2024 3:45:00 PM


We are excited to inform you that GivingDNA now includes a new filter. This feature allows you to sort donors based on the number of gifts they have contributed to your organization. Continue reading to learn more about how to utilize this new functionality.


This new filter offers a wealth of useful features and applications. Users can now sort donors based on the number of gifts they have contributed over their lifetime or within any specific timeframe you choose.

For instance, you can use this filter to identify new donors who have made only one gift to your organization this year. New donors who make more than one gift in their first year are three times more likely to renew, so prioritizing them for a second gift at year-end is crucial. Additionally, this filter can help you spot donors who make multiple gifts in a year but are not yet sustainers, allowing you to encourage them to become one.


For further information, please contact your GivingDNA representative or send an email to