Did you miss May's GivingDNA User Community Webinar? If you’re interested in hearing about some updates to the homepage and tips for your fiscal year end fundraising press play below.
We'd like to invite you to join us for our monthly user community webinar. On this webinar we will provide an overview of some new product updates, offer best practices and take Q&A.
Did you miss April's GivingDNA User Community Webinar? If you’re interested in learning about the new homepage released on GivingDNA you're in luck! We've recorded the webinar so you can take a look at what's new for yourself. You’ll also hear some questions and feedback from GivingDNA users.
We are super excited to share with all of our users that a big update which has been months in the making will be available starting tomorrow April 20th, 2021.
We'd like to invite you to join us for our monthly user community webinar. On this webinar we will provide an overview of an exciting new update, offer best practices and take Q&A.