GivingDNA Product Updates

GivingDNA User Community Webinar - NEW REGISTRATION LINK!

Written by GivingDNA | Jun 6, 2022 3:01:34 PM


We'd like to invite you to join us for our monthly user community webinar. Please be sure to register as we have a new address for this meeting. On this webinar we'll be discussing a handful of new additions to GivingDNA

On this call we'll review the new coverage ratio chart in GivingDNA. This is a great metric to recognize if your fundraising bucket is leaking. We'll also provide an update on the integrations for Blackbaud and Virtuous CRM users. Lastly we'll discuss best practices and take questions from the group.  Join us at 3PM ET on Wednesday June 15th. This webinar occurs on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. We hope to see you there!