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What's New With GivingDNA


GivingDNA User Community Webinar - November 2023 (new features!)

November 7, 2023


We'd like to invite you to join us for our monthly user community webinar. On this call we'll be going over a handful of new updates to GivingDNA, that went live today.

There are three new features in GivingDNA; two that will help users navigate the platform even easier than before and a new chart to help you understand how your donors began giving to you. Here's a list of what is new in the platform:

  • Inception Channel chart - For users that are mapping in their gift channel field, this pie chart will now present the the origin gift channel of all your donors. Users will be able to filter on the values in this chart. You'll also see the migration of donors, based on where they started giving and what channels they've given to overall when looking at this chart and the Giving Channel chart in combination.
  • Select/Unselect all filter options - This is a feature users have asked for and we're glad to offer it. All filters now have the option to select and unselect all values in the filter. This is very helpful when wanting to exclude or include only a few filter values in a filter that has a lot of values in it. This works the same as any spreadsheet you are accustomed to use.
  • Constituent List Scrollbar - The scroll bar was previously located on the bottom of the page. It is now located at the top, making it easier to scroll left to right.

We will also go over some best practices and take Q&A from the attendees.

Join us at 3PM ET Wednesday November 15th. This webinar occurs on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. We hope to see you there!


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